قررت جمعية Public Matters Lebanon تقديم التحية لبيروت جراء الإنفجار الذي هزّ العاصمة اللبنانية في الرابع من آب من خلال أغنية بعنوان “كرمال بيروت”.
ولفتت الجمعية الى أن مشاركة الأطفال في التعبير من خلال الأغنية، تنضوي تحت شعار رحلة التعافي من وقع الانفجار.
وأوضحت الجمعية أن تسجيل الأغنية وسط الدمار الهائل لم يكن يسيراً على الأطفال، غير أنهم أظهروا شجاعة كبيرة ومستويات عالية من الوعي العاطفي. وما هذا إلا دليل قاطع على أن أطفال لبنان سوف يحاربون الفساد والشر بفضل اضطلاعهم على حقوقهم الشخصية والتربية المدنية المتعلقة بهم.
Kermal Beirut
When they watch the heart of their homeland bleeding and many are crying because of pain or of grieving, they suffer silently because beholding the bloodshed, the murdered and the Missing is agonizing to us all… ‘all’ includes Them, the children of Lebanon.The children at Public Matters Lebanon have been disturbed deeply after the massive explosion that hit our Beirut on August 4, 2020. They needed to act, to express or maybe just to speak up, to validate their sorrowful emotions through a song dedicated to our Dear City, “Kermal Beirut”.Participating in this song was a step forward in their healing journey because not long ago, when they were living inside the womb, the very first connection with the outer life was through rhythm coming from their mamas’ heartbeat. On the other hand, it is about time to acknowledge children's role in their society because one day, they will take the lead.Witnessing the mass destruction throughout the making-of ‘Kermal Beirut’ has been devastating; it required high levels of emotional consumption. Our children will be fighting corruption and evilness by knowledge of their own rights and proper civic education. They won't be followers; only leaders of their own future.Our deepest condolences to every Lebanese who lost a beloved one in this cruel blast, may all the Missing loved ones be found.Kermal Beirut came to life because of the tremendous support and love of a big team. We thank each and every one for putting so much of herself/himself into this song.Lyricist Norka KhoueiryAgency Public Matters Lebanon in-house Video Content Department Produced by Julie K. BouChakraDirected by Nassif Al RayessExecutive Producer Mohd AtayaAssistant Director Makram Al HalabiCinematographer Pierre AzarFocus Puller Joseph AntyGaffer Elie SerhalRecording Studio Elias Abou Naccoul EAN Music StudiosMusic Composer WalperionMakeup Artist Vergine SoussaniHair Dresser Jo TanProduction Coordinator Karim GemayelProduction Assistant Assaad Bou MerhiProduction Helpers Ali & Dib SafwanAnimation Joe HarfoucheEditing & Post-production Nassif Al RayessSpecial Thanks to:Rima El MurrRabih KhouryRMK LebanonElie AounFares Aoun Candles FactoryDany KharratAli SbeityZaatar W ZeitAssaad Bou HabibWooden Bakery – LebanonSamer AwabdyPepsiSMLCand a big heartfelt thank you to المديرية العامة للدفاع المدني اللبناني who were present all day long during our shooting.This video was shot after security inspection in Faw showroom where the entire place was completely destroyed. Thank you Mr. Rabih @RMKlebanon Khoury for offering your location despite the pain you've been going through. Children:Aziz TorbeyBelicia KahwajiCassiya KahwajiChris Abou KheirColin HarbFrançois SayeghJacques SayeghJoey El RahiKarl Bou AounKay HarbMaria Abou KheirMaxim TorbeyMia LouisMichael TorbeyMila AzarMio KhouriNay El HenoudNoa NawfalPerla Bou AounRoger El HenoudSkye Van Vleit AchkarTia AzarYasmina Khouri #Kermal_Beirut
Posted by Public Matters Lebanon on Tuesday, September 1, 2020
الرابط: https://www.musicnation.me/?p=213826