EMI MUSIC ARABIA is proud to announce the new and exciting Artist signing & release of Hana Presents…“TIMELESS Pulse”.
Hana An EXTREMLEY talented Switzerland/Dubai based Artist developed and fine tuned her natural musical abilities early in her childhood; with an in built talent of playing by ear Hana was a child prodigy who was acknowledged early by her musical teachers as one with talent to watch out for. Over the years she has developed as a composer of note, with the unique gift of being able to fuse melodies and styles to create a sound that is familiar yet completely original and contemporary.
“TIMELESS Pulse”, Hana’s first full fledged album is the culmination of years of hard work and experimentations with sounds and melodies from across the Globe. “TIMELESS Pulse” is a fantastic example of the exceptional compositions created when melodies, from such diverse musical corners, including the sounds of fishermen rhythms and hymns of the Gulf, African beats; Japanese drums, Indian and Greek flavors, meet in perfect synchronization to create a fusion that is both distinctive and pleasing!
With contributions from many world renowned musicians such as Manolo, Lito, Edward Wynne, Phil Feather and Benoit Kaufman, “TIMELESS Pulse” is that wonderful blend of extraordinary compositions, fantastic musicians and the rare creative vision of Hana, all combined in flawless Harmony!
Hana’s “TIMELESS Pulse” is a true sonic Gem designed to take the listener on a journey of discovery!